Carbon Footprint

Operating in a responsible and sustainable manner is important to ACES GLOBAL QUALITY SERVICES which is committed to contributing positively to the issue of climate change.
Whilst we run our business in-line with the expectations of our diverse global stakeholders, we also see our responsibility in reducing our environmental impact and minimise Carbon emission.
Since the implementation of our Environmental Management System, certified to ISO 14000, back in 2017 our Company has constantly improved its environmental approach, helping us to identify and promote a successful approach and good practices to contribute to society’s wider goal of sustainable development, being aware that our Company can play an important role in raising awareness of environmental protection amongst its stakeholders, contributing to improve the understanding of global and local environmental risks and committing to address climate change.
Each year we calculate and offset our carbon footprint supporting the Global Portfolio VCS certified carbon reduction programmes across the world via a range of projects that include carbon avoidance, clean and renewable energy generation. Many are within developing countries, where they also provide additional social benefits.
At ACES GLOBAL QUALITY SERVICES, we are conscious we can, and must, leverage our positions in society to create the baseline of expectations for living in balance with the planet. As the old saying goes, we must be the change we wish to see in the world.
In addition, ACES GLOBAL QUALITY SERVICES has also set an environmental reporting and management system to measure, reduce and report on its environmental footprint. The process is based on an annual reporting system which enables us to optimize the management of our major environmental impacts, including paper, power, and water consumption, as well as the production and recycling of waste through environmental targets.